Music, fun activities for adults & children, games, and great Earth Day information including using Art & Activism!
A film screening in the afternoon includes, “Underwater Projects” Directed by Dream Hampton for Hip Hop Caucus! We will also be screening, “The Greening of the Bronx: An Urban Garden Tale."
Check out the highlights of our Harlem Earth Day!
The COP Presidencies Troika was a key achievement of the COP28 Presidency mandated by the UAE Consensus. The "Troika" unites COP28 with the next two COP Presidencies - Azerbaijan (COP 29) and Brazil (COP 30) - to drive ambitious collective climate action. The three will work on the ‘Roadmap to Mission 1.5°C’ as well as climate financing mechanisms.
World leaders at COP 28 discussing what's at risk as a world community seven years after the Paris Climate Accords and less than 7 years before the 2030 deadline of not exceeding 1.5 degrees celsius in temperature rise.
One of the "Consensus Outcomes" that countries agreed to at COP 28 in Dubai was greater financial mechanisms to develop climate resilience globally as well as funding of the Loss & Damage Fund for countries in the Global South.
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